Latest Handmades

Remember this red cutter quilt I showed you in a earlier post. I finally got around to having the time to cut it. When I cut a quilt I always wash and dry it first. I like to cut the whole thing all at once. I like to have nothing left at the end. I have enough containers of scrap and I hate to throw even the smallest piece away. I was thinking of stuffing one of the bears with the scrap from the quilt. I have enough left for one maybe. It would make him on the heavy side. I have a few days to think on it. It would be a great way to use every piece of that quilt. We'll see.

I have been able to send the last two days sewing, and nothing but sewing. I was able to get five bears and five small pillows out of that quilt. I was thinking maybe some of that crochet trim for a collar or two. I ended the day with all the pillows stuffed and three of the bears. Next week I'll finish stuffing the other two and then I have to give them all a nose/mouth, then I have to coffee dye them and then when dry I'll take some sand paper to them. I was even think about putting a old dress and maybe a pair of baby shoe on them. I'm also thinking one has to be Americana. Duh! Stop back I'll post again when finished.


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